Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Church Planting Memory

If a picture paints a thousand words, this one is it. There on GA highway 11, just past Hub Junction, we launched The CrossRoads, September 9, 2001. Everything about that experience, including the events of 9/11, are etched in my memory with fondness and gratefulness.

This is church planting; it's what it looks like. A few weeks post launch I gathered an after worship group for a picture to record history. I didn't know the pic would become a persoanl symbol, but I use the memory to further the cause of church planting.

Eighty five percent of those pictured came from the planting field and there were twice that group in worship. The pic is representative of the people we reached. It happened so fast and furious that I couldn't process it all. Looking back, I had more gold that I realized, I had much much more than I knew. You can follow the link to see what's become of that work under the leadership of Pastor Brandon Stanley.

All of us on that planting team that heard the call to serve, experienced a changed life.

You can get a bigger picture of the three churches I have planted by following the links:
church planting pics,  Launch Sunday Jersey Community Church
Terry L Little Pastor Planter

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